100 WC

Mum said lift the lid so as she lifted the lid I ran and pushed her in and I fell in. Suddenly I’m in Jurrasic World but where is my sister. Suddenly I heard something coming. Quickly I ran into the bushes. But I shouldn’t have worried it was my sister in a gyrosphere. Next thing I know I’m running to my sister, running as fast as I can because what was behind me would have killed me if I didn’t make it to the gyrosphere. As fast as it could I put the pedal to the metal. Suddenly I’m in my room weird.


24 May 1915

Hi Katie

Here I am shooting the enemy. It’s been hard out here, one of my friends got killed yesterday. I’m sick of the endless hard work, stink,gunfire etc. I’m also scared that I might die and not get to see you again. The enemy have been pushed back but are planning to attack us. Yesterday I woke up to see flies buzzing around in my tent but i came up with an idea, i had some other people in my tent and I said to them to try and kill 50 flies a day and we won’t have them in our tent. I made this saying and I say it to my friends, see ya when I see ya. I hope I get home soon, see ya when I see ya.

your favourite brother cecil

100 WC #30

What the, what why is this city so weird and oh oh look at this weird villagers. Lets go exploring this funny city. Oh look at that person playing a drum while eating cornflake while there is an exciting tiger who, just danced around like a hooligan. Oh no look here’s the bad side of the city look at all the criminals and look at that bull with a ring in his nose. Run there’s a evil octopus and it is extremely huge. Help it is eating me nooooo… Terry wake up oh it’s only a dream. No it isn’t….


The Three Little Villagers
There was once three little villagers who where not very smart. One day the smart of all said lets split up and build our own houses . So they all went their own way. They went for 10 nights fighting for freedom,getting supplies and getting food. Finally one of them made a house but was dumb because he made it out of straw.

100 WC #29

Dear Katie April 1950 Hi sis this is the second letter I have sent to you. Today I got shot in the arm and lost it and it gives me a lot of pain, it felt like someone was stabbing me in the arm. Yesterday another one of my mates died from stepping on a bomb, one minute he was alive, the next minute he’s dead. I still think it’s my fault because I told him to go over there so we have more room to look and now what’s happened? He’s dead because of me. Well see you when I see you. Sincerely your favorite brother Cecil

Brain Pop

What is brain pop you may ask ? Brain pop is a website that has different topics a day and we take points. We do it every morning and It is fun. The topic for today 30-03-15 was student rights. I learnt that students can’t always make right.
Thank you

100 Word Challenge # 28

I was in the computer room, playing Minecraft on the computer when I ran out of drink. I got bored so I picked up the can and tried to get in the bin on the other side if the room. I through the can and my dad had this thing that can make stuff that is in front of it go in the computer, I know what your thinking, that the can hit it , you are right and I was in front of the projector and next thing I know I’m in Minecraft just what I wanted. The best adventure ever.

100 WC #week 24

It all started on a warm sunny day. I was walking down the street with my friend’s. We had an ice-cream in our hands when some bullies came up ahead. Quickly we hid around the corner but then one of my mates screamed which gave it away, as fast as we could, we ran all the way up main street. Then we split up, and as they turned the corner the bullies started to scream and when we looked round the corner there was a stalker. Scared, terrified and tired I ran up main street…

100 WC week 25

It was time, time to go to war, time to fight for my country, time to see what it’s like it’s time, it’s time. “Darcy are you ready to go” “yes mum i am ” hi i am Darcy Hicon and today is my seventeenth birthday and tomorrow  I am going to war. ” night mum I am going to bed” Suddenly I am asleep, then the bad dreams come I was going through a huge pipe ! It is dark in here suddenly the horse stops. Quickly I got my gun and torch turned the torch on and there in the light I saw a snake. Quickly I got the gun but I didn’t find it . I ran and I ran I swam in a green river, carefully going through a thorn bush not to cut myself what will happen next…